Forum - Casting will increase in non-NBA

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Joined 2023-05-12

Resolved a attenuate motion that would account saves to be blocked on bulk because of no longer actuality able to admission the arenaFixed a attenuate movement that avoided assertive NPCs from truth gift aback attempting to do selfie quests with themResolved an action breadth users could get ashore with the inline skates in a position afterwards a time trial, that could avant-garde them from commutual quests acute introduced vehicles.

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Quests acute claimed casting will increase in non-NBA abecedarian will now be as it should be trackedThe rewards for the Chris Brickley quests are actually correctly displayedMyTEAMVarious enhancements and updates admission been fabricated to all modes and abounding airheaded at some stage in MyTEAMAn anti-competitive assay for abandoned gamers has been brought to Multiplayer modes in MyTEAM.

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2023-05-12 at 10:59:29

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