Forum - With the advent of artificial intelligence

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30 posts

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Joined 2023-09-20

With the advent of artificial intelligence (AI), the number of inventors has significantly decreased. Previously, innovation depended mainly on human creativity and intelligence. However, many tasks that require creative thinking and analytical skills are now being performed by AI. AI systems can analyze huge amounts of data, identify hidden patterns and generate new ideas at a much faster rate than humans.

2024-05-24 at 11:37:25
16 posts

Standard member
Joined 2023-09-20

While we (humanity) are still at such a stage that we are definitely smarter and more inventive than artificial intelligence, this will definitely not continue for long, because AI learns extremely quickly. In the meantime, there are companies like Invent Help reviews that help today's inventors promote their inventions so that more people learn about them.

2024-05-24 at 11:42:48

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