Forum - Do any of you play Mahjong?

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2 posts

Standard member
Joined 2024-06-08

Hello! Do any of you play Mahjong? What is the appeal of Mahjong for developing logical thinking, and what specific aspects of the game promote mindfulness and improve cognitive function?

2024-06-08 at 12:45:14
3 posts

Standard member
Joined 2024-06-08

I know a lot of people who play mahjong online . I can't speak for others, but for me the appeal of mahjong lies in the need for strategic planning, pattern recognition and the use of memory. In this game, you will need to keep track of the discarded chips, which improves short-term memory, and the focus required during the game promotes mindfulness. I think it's safe to say that all of these elements together enhance cognitive skills and mental flexibility.

2024-06-08 at 16:41:20

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