Forum - Cash cube unlimited hits!! 2013.04.11

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2 posts

Standard member
Joined 2009-06-15

Cash cube unlimited hits!!!!!!! -
........ You are qualified to click this Cash Cube (Premium Members Only)

Normal cash cube good!

2013-04-11 at 17:55:04
3 posts

Standard member
Joined 2013-01-28

vereslaszlo wrote: Cash cube unlimited hits!!!!!!! -
........ You are qualified to click this Cash Cube (Premium Members Only)

Normal cash cube good!

I've got one cube with unlimited hits ID12344. After last bug is it ok to click? :D (Standard member)

2013-04-12 at 10:02:36
5 posts

Standard member
Joined 2008-01-31

Yes, today is also going, the cubes are unlimited.

2013-04-12 at 12:44:04
1 posts

Standard member
Joined 2010-02-02

And I have vice versa - from a total amount (8) no one is credited :(
" Sorry, we could not process this request. Please contact support!"

2013-04-12 at 14:37:12
15 posts

Standard member
Joined 2009-04-13

Looks like everyone is getting that now. Current cash cube:
"Total visitors so far 0"

2013-04-12 at 14:45:19
3 posts

Standard member
Joined 2013-03-14

Yes seems like the site has a bit of a problem today. I sent couple of hours ago suport ticket. I cannot click on any cash cube!
I'm sure admin will fix the issue as soon as he can.

2013-04-12 at 16:08:28
564 posts

Thanks for the updates - we were aware of this and looks like things are better at the moment.

2013-04-14 at 11:05:02

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