Forum - Option to delete cube...

Forum  |  Feature Requests  |  Option to delete cube...

23 posts

Premium member
Joined 2008-09-26

Hi, I have 56 cubes because a lot of them were a free reward for doing various things. I'm just wondering if you could implement a delete or transfer ALL cube funds (which would delete say a cube valued at £1)? I'd rather have cube funds or buy other members' cubes than have another new one so I can organize better.


2013-06-18 at 11:55:07
564 posts

Hi - you can always contact support for that.

2013-07-31 at 12:35:25
4 posts

Standard member
Joined 2009-11-29

I have 18 cubes I want to be deleted. I contacted support two times but got no answer.

Also daily cube clicks dropped more than 10 times in one day.
The top50 cubes got normally 130 clicks per day. Now they get only 10 clicks.
Something wrong here?

2014-04-12 at 09:45:54
4 posts

Standard member
Joined 2009-11-29

thank you admin for email to me and announcing a delete option for our cubes. great to hear!

2014-04-17 at 11:32:14

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