Forum - How long has you-cubez been around for

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53 posts

Standard member
Joined 2010-04-24

I was going to write an article about youcubez and I've looked but cant find how long this site has been around. Can anyone please answer this for me? Thanks for the help.

2011-10-29 at 02:09:05
564 posts

DanielK6670 wrote: I was going to write an article about youcubez and I've looked but cant find how long this site has been around. Can anyone please answer this for me? Thanks for the help.
Launched in January 2007.

2011-10-29 at 15:00:59
53 posts

Standard member
Joined 2010-04-24

Thanks for your reply

2011-10-31 at 11:03:28
564 posts

You're welcome.

2011-11-01 at 20:48:02
2 posts

Standard member
Joined 2011-10-29


2011-11-09 at 15:08:48
564 posts

mrsohel85 wrote: hi
Hi mrsohel85!

2011-11-14 at 11:01:03
2 posts

Standard member
Joined 2011-12-20

hi everyone :)
I'm obviously here, but I have no clue what I'm doing....lmaoo :)
what am I supposed to do?
I'm swedish so it can be some misunderstanding in language perhaps. I posted a cube and started to click other cubes :) but still haven.t got the understanding about this. Can someone sum this up shortly for me?
hugs / misslenali

2011-12-20 at 20:11:48
564 posts


1. Advertising - If you're looking to promote a website or link, you can purchase a cube to increase traffic to your site.

2. Making Money - You can earn money by:

- Clicking Cash Cubes
- Referral Commission
- Selling Cubes

See the Help Guide for more info.

2011-12-22 at 11:06:14
7 posts

Standard member
Joined 2011-05-14

More than a year ago....

2012-03-23 at 14:04:47

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