Forum - Pending Cubez, what's going on ?

Forum  |  Site Bugs  |  Pending Cubez, what's going on ?


Standard member

My cubez are pending day after day.
What's going on ?
48 hours is passed.
I also don't receive any reply.

2014-01-24 at 17:23:14
21 posts

Standard member
Joined 2011-02-13

I have the same problem.

2014-01-25 at 10:45:23
21 posts

Standard member
Joined 2011-02-13

Sold cube still pending , days passed.

2014-01-25 at 18:45:27
21 posts

Standard member
Joined 2011-02-13

No answer to my ticket. Admin is here?

2014-01-28 at 17:17:43
564 posts

Some cubes, new or sold, can take a few days to be approved if it's over a weekend or we are looking into member's accounts.

2014-02-02 at 14:14:03
21 posts

Standard member
Joined 2011-02-13

It's solved . Thanks

2014-02-02 at 14:21:57
564 posts

Progigeci wrote: It's solved . Thanks
You're welcome.

2014-02-06 at 21:51:30
564 posts

Hi - apologies for delay. All cubes, sales etc... have been approved.

2014-07-03 at 12:52:00
10 posts

Standard member
Joined 2015-02-06

Hi Admin!!

I purchase my first cube but it is showing status "Pending".
Is there something wrong I did while creating those cubes?

Thanks & Regards,

2015-04-17 at 16:45:48
564 posts

nettexpress wrote: Hi Admin!!

I purchase my first cube but it is showing status "Pending".
Is there something wrong I did while creating those cubes?

Thanks & Regards,

Cube approvals can take a day or so. You'll always receive an e-mail either way.

2015-04-19 at 12:14:10
10 posts

Standard member
Joined 2015-02-06

Cube approvals, thk Admin!

2015-04-19 at 19:37:11
5 posts

Standard member
Joined 2014-08-31

Hello admin are you here? My url on purchased members cube is pending for over 7 days now. At least you are expected to reply what is going on?

2015-05-22 at 10:14:18
564 posts

nitinkragg84 wrote: Hello admin are you here? My url on purchased members cube is pending for over 7 days now. At least you are expected to reply what is going on?
It seemed some approved cubes reverted back to pending. Should be approved now. Do contact support if not as you will get an answer quicker than posting in the forum on such matters.

2015-05-23 at 23:49:10
5 posts

Standard member
Joined 2014-08-31

It has been approved now. Thank you.

2015-05-24 at 09:52:14

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