Forum - New Look not Looking good!

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31 posts

Standard member
Joined 2012-07-10

Don't like this change at all!!! £6 was high already, £8 is a complete madness, it means that the majority ill take years just for one payment, even me, I have 28 refs and it takes several months just to get £6. Also, no Paypal?! Hummm, very strange since the sites of trust ALWAYS have paypal, and payza no way! And at last, I bought 2 refs days ago and nothing until today, please solve it! Thanks.

2014-02-24 at 13:57:31
564 posts

Fateixa wrote: Don't like this change at all!!! £6 was high already, £8 is a complete madness, it means that the majority ill take years just for one payment, even me, I have 28 refs and it takes several months just to get £6. Also, no Paypal?! Hummm, very strange since the sites of trust ALWAYS have paypal, and payza no way! And at last, I bought 2 refs days ago and nothing until today, please solve it! Thanks.
We are still using PayPal. We are continually adding more ways to earn money so should be easier to earn more as the site grows.

2014-03-27 at 10:50:46

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