Forum - Websyndic...Problem You Cubez Splash Page Ad

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75 posts

Premium+ member
Joined 2009-03-02

Hi Admin,
Please could you have a look at this Ad ( Iframe:§ion=1953260
Script: ) which Websyndic says causes problems with their Surfbar thus causing You Cubez to be refused to be shown in Websyndic.
BTW...not sure but there was a problem with You Cubez site yesterday, all afternoon, where the site never loaded properly and was extremely slow accessing and navigating.

2011-11-29 at 14:10:19
564 posts

Hi - we'll look into it for you. I believe there was a problem with the server this week, but only for a day or so.

2011-12-04 at 22:18:37

Standard member

Any new info here?
Still refused for me.

T h a n k s. ;)

2011-12-12 at 06:59:17
564 posts

We've removed that banner.

2011-12-13 at 10:06:35
75 posts

Premium+ member
Joined 2009-03-02

Hi....It's still being refused because of the following " Script: " Please...can this be fixed?

2011-12-13 at 12:18:00
564 posts

The OpenX script cannot be removed, although there shouldn't be anything wrong with it.

OpenX is a reputable ad serving platform. I'd recommend asking them what the problem with that script is. Let me know.

2011-12-15 at 14:56:09
3 posts

Standard member
Joined 2010-04-06

dracusor wrote: Hi Admin,
Please could you have a look at this Ad ( Iframe:§ion=1953260
Script: ) which Websyndic says causes problems with their Surfbar thus causing You Cubez to be refused to be shown in Websyndic.
BTW...not sure but there was a problem with You Cubez site yesterday, all afternoon, where the site never loaded properly and was extremely slow accessing and navigating.

hey, how are you getting so many cube funds a day? I get about 10k hits to my ref link a day. care to share your tactics?

2012-09-19 at 02:05:30
75 posts

Premium+ member
Joined 2009-03-02

Pm0n3y wrote: hey, how are you getting so many cube funds a day? I get about 10k hits to my ref link a day. care to share your tactics?
My tactics if u can call them that is to always click the Standard Cubes daily (to a premium plus member that equates to about £166/£167 cube funds daily). I do use Traffic Exchanges, but only a little (about £50-£100 cube funds daily).
The bulk of my cube funds come from me reinvesting ALL my earnings from cube sales and downlines and i am now holding about £1,000 in my account (sold nearly 400 cubes now which has helped swell the account).
So the tactic is to reinvest all ya earnings.....hope that is of use.

2012-09-22 at 03:22:16

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