Forum - Refferal selling?

Forum  |  Feature Requests  |  Refferal selling?

1 posts

Standard member
Joined 2012-06-08

I'd like to introduce you with a feature to sell inactive refferals. Some of us has them like hunderds but there's no point from them as they don't do anything. I'd like to sell them, shouldn't be much.
For example, if you buy each for £1 then sell prize would be half of it - £0.50 for type1,
buy type2 for £0.80 and sell half of it - £0.40
similar to type3 buy for £0.40 and sell for £0.20
What do you think about this?

2015-12-15 at 15:52:41
564 posts

sentemo wrote: I'd like to introduce you with a feature to sell inactive refferals. Some of us has them like hunderds but there's no point from them as they don't do anything. I'd like to sell them, shouldn't be much.
For example, if you buy each for £1 then sell prize would be half of it - £0.50 for type1,
buy type2 for £0.80 and sell half of it - £0.40
similar to type3 buy for £0.40 and sell for £0.20
What do you think about this?

Hi - we can certainly look into this.

We will be introducing more ways to connect with your referrals in the future.

2015-12-17 at 14:29:19

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