Forum - very few ads

Forum  |  Feature Requests  |  very few ads

1 posts

Standard member
Joined 2015-12-16

Hi...from some days ago, I notices that the ads it had been reduced to a few ads....2 or 3 by day....It´s something wrong??

I wrote to my sponsor who have a premium account and he get the same problem....
Any news about it will be grateful

2016-06-07 at 17:15:47
42 posts

Standard member
Joined 2009-01-25

Advertisers are responsible for the amount of ads available.
Be active and check regular for new ads.
I advertise here myself and some traffic packages run out within a few hours depending on the quantity of visitors I purchased.
So ads will come but you cannot be sure when.

2016-06-07 at 20:45:57
564 posts

distrisevil wrote: Hi...from some days ago, I notices that the ads it had been reduced to a few ads....2 or 3 by day....It´s something wrong??

I wrote to my sponsor who have a premium account and he get the same problem....
Any news about it will be grateful

We are focusing more on offers than PTC ads as users are making more money with the offerwalls.

The no. of ads will vary depending on advertiser's targets.

2016-06-20 at 14:15:43

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